
Hello, my name is Evgeniy. I'm an engineer, a creative designer, a snowboarder, and a bit frontend developer. This is my personal page and my airdog - my personal symbol, which was inspired by feeling of freedom and happiness after a scary well-performned trick.

I spent time graffiti, breakdancing, parkour, snowboarding, using lots of activewear and sport equipment. That was my gateway to design. And that determined my starting directions in design: sport inventory, textile, snowboards, outerwear and all around it.

I had been involved in different businesses (as project manager, designer, salesman) where quite often it was necessary to be a one man band. All that has formed my view on a business processes, forced me to learn a bunch of tech skills on my own and Im still keep learning all the time.

I dont drink, dont smoke, and sport activities are still a mandatory part of my everyday life. Cycling, snowboarding, lifting weights, and gymnastics.